The Axemen Grunt
The South Eugene High School "Axemen Grunt" was unanimously acclaimed the world's alltime most idiotic cheer by the Clarion West Class of '98. It's probably not the kind of thing a card-carrying feminist should perform in public, but what the hey, consistency is for petty minds. Or something like that.
After the first time I recited the thing in the lounge, I was forced to do it again and again and again ....
Axemen in the front - UH
Let me hear you grunt - UH
Axemen in the back - UH
Show us where it's at - UHAxemen! UH
Axemen! UH
Axemen! UH UH
Tamela Viglione, Ellen Levy Finch and Ruth Nestvold do the Axemen Grunt, while Daniel Abraham looks on, appalled at the foolishness of his elders.
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